Moxibustion is an add-on service that can be done with your acupuncture or cupping experience.
Ask your doctor about it during the exam.
Moxibustion, also known as “moxa”, is one of many healing tools available for an acupuncturist to use. Moxa has been in use for thousands of years in Asia. Moxa and acupuncture are commonly used together during a treatment. Moxa is made from an herb called mugwort leaf. Mugwort leaf is a small fluffy herb that is used in Chinese medicine to strengthen the immune system and warm the body, decrease pain, improve the flow of QI (energy) and facilitate healing.
Performing a moxa treatment on a patient should not cause any pain or discomfort but should be warming and calming. Moxa is performed in two ways, direct and indirect moxa. Direct moxibustion is done directly on the skin. Burn cream is carefully placed on the skin at specific acupuncture points to prevent any burns or scarring.
The moxa is then carefully burned on top of the burn cream as to not allow any burns or blisters. Indirect moxa is the most popular moxa used in the clinic due to less risk of burning or pain for the patient. Indirect moxa can be placed on the needle head or done with a cigar shaped roll of mugwort leaf. Some patients will be sent home with a moxa stick to do at home treatments for fertility or pain.
Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 8:00pm
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 4:00pm