At the beginning of every new year, Americans around the country take the time to carefully plan out special vows to themselves in an attempt to better the quality of their lives. As we all know, however, these ‘resolutions’ quickly fall by the wayside as our motivation dwindles.

This year, perhaps this will change.

As people living in western society, we often overlook the connection of mind and body. A body that suffers from pathology often will lead to a mind in disharmony, and vice versa. So as we set out to conquer our carefully devised goals, assistance with increasing our desire to achieve said goals is crucial to their attainment.

And how does acupuncture play a role in this?

When you see your acupuncturist, he or she uses very thin needles to manipulate the intricate system of points and meridians to balance the body and resolve whatever ailment you suffer from. Additional therapeutic methods, such as moxibustion, cupping, massage, Gua Sha, herbal treatment and more are also used to create this balance. Consequentially, creating this harmony in the body can lead to a reduction in stress, feelings of calmness and peace, and you guessed it: motivation.

Let’s step back and look at typical New Year’s resolutions. There is losing weight, working out, dieting, eating less sugar, drinking less alcohol, smoking less, quitting smoking, spending less time using electronics, spending more time with loved ones, fighting less with a spouse, making more money, and many more. What we need to achieve these goals is motivation accompanied with a reduction in stress, feelings of calmness and peace, and maybe a few tips.

Let’s use the example of dieting for more clarity. Some of the obstacles faced by those who set out to achieve this goal are: hunger, cravings, feelings of frustration and anger, disappointment with results, loneliness from withdrawing from social gatherings, busyness and tiredness to prepare meals at home, and let’s face it—that little voice inside of us that is screaming for sugary desserts. Although your acupuncturist can’t physically be there when some of these obstacles arise, the physical and mental effects of your acupuncture treatment can be. In addition to being masters of manipulating your “Qi” or “vital energy force,” your acupuncturist is trained in both eastern and western nutrition and can help guide you to both food choices and diet plans that fit the specific you. Alongside a healthy diet, sometimes herbal supplements are necessary to achieving optimal health and wellness. Many practitioners are qualified to prescribe Chinese herbal formulas that exclusively fit your diagnosis.

Here are some key points to how your acupuncturist can help you achieve your New Years resolutions:

  1. By manipulating your unique system of points, channels and meridians with thin, hair-like needles, your acupuncturist can provide balance to the body, alleviating mind and body pathology. Those healthy feelings will give you enough energy to achieve your goals.
  2. By reducing feelings of stress and anxiety, you won’t feel overwhelmed when tackling new tasks or achieving new goals.
  3. Balancing your Qi reduces cravings, whether it be for food, drinks or habits. Willpower is more achievable.
  4. Treatments can promote feelings of peacefulness, reducing irritability, anger and reactivity.
  5. Effective acupuncture therapy can alleviate mental fog and provide clarity, making it easier to form clear ideas and decisions.
  6. Your acupuncturist can give you diet and lifestyle advice and guidance, as they are trained in nutrition and several stress-reducing methods, such as tai-chi, Qi gong and meditation.

If you’re concerned about making the achievement of your New Year’s resolutions a reality—don’t be! The multitude of roadblocks you potentially encounter on the road to reaching your resolutions can be remedied by a skilled acupuncturist. Make an appointment with your acupuncturist today and reap the benefits of a healthy mind and body.