Gua Sha or Blading Helps Decrease Pain and Inflammation in Muscles

As a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, I like to use several tools to help heal the body. I have seen many athletes in recent years using Chinese medicine as part of their sports medicine and recovery. Michael Phelps and Lebron James have both been sighted on multiple occasions with cupping marks. Gua sha or blading is scraping on the skin. This forces the capillaries open and increases blood flow to the muscles and tendons.  This is great for muscle spasms and tendonitis. Gua sha and acupuncture can help athletes recover more quickly from an injury and help get them back into action. The skin should become red and it’s important not to press too hard and cause pain. I always use liniments to help decrease inflammation or massage oil to make the scraping smooth. This can be painful or tender depending on the area of the body you are working on. This is a tool any athlete can use on themselves to recover from their workouts more quickly. Schedule yourself a treatment and you can experience for yourself. “The power that makes the body, heals the body” Our services