
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

Chinese Herbal recommendations are given with each acupuncture or cupping appointment. You can also have a Chinese herbal consultation. This will consist of a 30-minute exam with the doctor. This includes a health history, physical exam, weight, blood pressure and heart rate check, pulse, tongue and abdominal examination with a discussion of your symptoms.

Ancient Chinese herbal medicine used for modern life

Chinese herbal medicine and formulas have been constructed and consumed for over 5,000 years. The Huang-Di Nei-Jing may be the oldest medical text in the world that dates back 5,000 years.

What are Chinese herbs and are the right for you?

Herbal medicine uses plants and natural substances to build a formula to alleviate an illness or symptoms. Herbal medicine is the oldest form of medicine in the world. Studies of herbs and their medicinal properties were prominent in all ancient civilizations including China, Egypt, Greece, Persia, India, Native Americans and many others.

How does Chinese Herbal Medicine Work?

Chinese herbal formulas focus on treating the underlying cause of illness (the root problem).  Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to your health considering your mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Plants and natural substances are combined in a formula that is tailored for each individual.

Is Chinese Herbal Medicine safe?

There are many studies on pubmed (national library of health and studies) that prove the safety and efficacy of Chinese herbs. There is 5,000+ years of clinical data of herbal history use in China.  The herbs we prescribe are harvested from areas where they traditionally grown by certified Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) growers. The herbal products are manufactured by modern facilities carrying out high level processing techniques in strict accordance with pharmaceutical GMP.

How do you take Chinese Herbs?

  • Granules
  • Capsules or tablets
  • External Compress

Who can benefit from Chinese herbal formulas?

Everyone can benefit from the use of Chinese herbs regardless of their age. We have formulas that we prescribe for all ages from infancy to the elderly.

What can you treat with Chinese herbal formulas?

Anything you can imagine visiting your doctor for Chinese herbs can help.